I tried three or four types of water-based inks, made by different companies, but nothing to do!
How can they all dry out so quickly? When making prints, even in several colors, it is practically impossible for us to start medium/high run productions without being forced to use plastisols.
The problem of water based inks that dry in the frameIt is a classic, and the brand or type of ink has no influence at all screen printing near me.
The brand or type of ink has no influence at all.
If for any reason (final appearance of the print, requirement to dry cold, antipathy forthe plastisols) want to print with water-based inks, you are obliged to take some precautions:
– frame threads: they cannot be more than 55 threads per cm, with one exception: the Extra Soft Basefor light supports to be pigmented with concentrated dyes: this base can be printed with up to 90 threads.
– printing rate: does not support stops longer than one minute; After the minute it is mandatory to cool the frame by spraying it with water
– squeegee movement: the return movement of the squeegee must occur without pressure, to deposit a layer of ink 2-3 mm thick in the area of the frame occupied by the drawing; This way, the ink will not dry between the meshes of the fabric or, at least, it will dry more slowly.
– retardants: they help to a certain extent, but they also slow down the final polymerization of the ink. If added to cold-drying inks, it will still be convenient to dry these inks hot.