The organization offers some tips to make it easy for the student to memorize new lessons dyscalculia. These are:
- The routine: Carrying out some activities daily and in order will make it easier for them to remember without much effort what they should do at a certain time in class.
- Association: If the child is able to associate a lesson with another that he has already seen, he will surely memorize it faster.
- Fatigue level: Fatigue will prevent information from being stored correctly. If the child is fatigued, it is best to leave the activities for another time.
- Interest: If the student is interested in a task or activity, he or she will most likely internalize it more easily. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to remember it in the future.
- Repetition process: Like routine, repeating activities allows you to remember them more easily than when you do them only once.
- Categorization: Another tip to make the information saved on the student’s internal drive is to divide it into families or categories.